Schützt bitte alle Tiere unserer Erde. Diese wunderbaren Wesen sollen für alle Zeit unseren Planeten mit uns gemeinsam in Harmonie teilen. LG Alexandra
This website's article on "London for Elephants, June 2014" is very inspiring to read and very informative. Now we know how you inherited the name 'Hanan', its meaning is doubly meaningful with its
association with Amboseli Trust of Elephants (ATE). I visited the ATE Project in 2012 and so I am in tune with your story of your christening of your elephant at Amboseli. All the photos and
information, eg. external links provided on this website are brilliant, good for elephants and good for readers to gain a better understanding about this grey gentle giant species <3 Thank you
Birgit xx
Jill Li(Montag, 03 Februar 2014 02:04)
Thank you my friend for such a lovely site... and the lovely namesake "Hanan" is a grey beauty!! ~
I raise a glass (no bottle) of Amarula to you... much love Birgit!
Alexandra Wolf (Freitag, 08 Mai 2015 10:29)
Schützt bitte alle Tiere unserer Erde. Diese wunderbaren Wesen sollen für alle Zeit unseren Planeten mit uns gemeinsam in Harmonie teilen. LG Alexandra
Bine Grigel (Freitag, 02 Januar 2015 12:42)
Dankeschön für diese Seite. Eine tolle idee die ich sicher in Anspruch nehmen werde.
LG. Bine Grigel
Stefanie Lugauer (Montag, 27 Oktober 2014 10:20)
Wunderbare, informative Website!
Danke dafür
Belinda Ogley (Samstag, 21 Juni 2014 00:05)
This website's article on "London for Elephants, June 2014" is very inspiring to read and very informative. Now we know how you inherited the name 'Hanan', its meaning is doubly meaningful with its association with Amboseli Trust of Elephants (ATE). I visited the ATE Project in 2012 and so I am in tune with your story of your christening of your elephant at Amboseli. All the photos and information, eg. external links provided on this website are brilliant, good for elephants and good for readers to gain a better understanding about this grey gentle giant species <3 Thank you Birgit xx
Jill Li (Montag, 03 Februar 2014 02:04)
Thank you my friend for such a lovely site... and the lovely namesake "Hanan" is a grey beauty!! ~
I raise a glass (no bottle) of Amarula to you... much love Birgit!